Using the Spaced Repetition Method

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If you are familiar with the Leitner method, you will find the spaced repetition method to be very similar

If not, don’t worry! I’ll be teaching you how to master it for your next exam or assessment

This method uses repetition of topic review to commit topics, vocabulary, or concepts to memory over several weeks

The Spaced Repetition method is best for terms/definitions, vocabulary, or short flashcard-type information

This method is super simple as far as materials, you may even opt for digital tools

First, gather some flashcards. This can be anything from an app or physical paper flashcards

I tend to prefer digital flashcards because they aren’t as messy and take up much less physical space

Some people find they learn better using physical cards, writing information down and holding the cards helps their memory better than digital aids

So, use whichever is best for you!

1. Gather your flashcards and study each, taking note of the information that is harder to learn and dedicating extra practice to this

2. Start by repeating almost immediately, reviewing the cards and the information that has become easier to recall

3. Practice again the next day, after two days, then a few days later, eventually until you are reviewing every couple of weeks

4. Use this method throughout the school year to keep information fresh and ready to recall for finals and end-of-year exams

And that’s it! Super simple and easy to keep the information fresh and ready for your next big exam

During school, I always did my studying the week of or the night before a big exam, landing me a handful of B’s and C’s

Learn from my mistakes! You should get into the habit of studying the first week of class, not right before the exam

Let’s say on your first day of psychology the professor reviews introductory topics such as classical conditioning

When you get home that afternoon, review your notes and make flashcards of notable topics you learned, then review these cards the next day to begin committing them to memory

Come exam day, you won’t be scratching your head overwhelmed by the weeks of information, you’ll just need to review the cards you’ve made

For those in need of new flashcards or a proper organizer, here are some top picks below


800 count of colored flashcards with binding ring

Holders and Organizers

holds 250 flashcards to organize for studying and review

Happy studying!